death certificates

美 [deθ sərˈtɪfɪkeɪts]英 [deθ səˈtɪfɪkeɪts]
  • n.死亡证书
  • death certificate的复数
death certificatesdeath certificates

death certificates


  • 1
    N-COUNT 死亡证明书
    A death certificate is an official certificate signed by a doctor which states the cause of a person's death.

  1. Information on country of birth was obtained from death certificates .


  2. ICD10 is used to classify diseases and other health problems recorded on many types of health and vital records including death certificates and hospital records .


  3. The study examined 3 million death certificates from 1802 to 1970 .


  4. That 's in part because death certificates don 't ask for enough data , Makary said .


  5. The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century , using death certificates and census data .


  6. In three large UK trials , long-term post-trial follow-up of individual patients was obtained from death certificates and cancer registries .


  7. The figure is based on death certificates issued by the Ministry of Health and makes no distinction between military and civilian casualties .


  8. But obtaining death certificates for relatives who were born during the Qing Dynasty ( 1644-1911 ) has proven a bit of a challenge .


  9. According to China 's E-Government Yearbook ( 2015 ) , the average Chinese citizen will be issued 103 necessary papers - from birth to death certificates .


  10. Xu Yiqing said the red tape began when authorities in Yichang , Hubei Province refused to put the property in his name without death certificates .


  11. Using information obtained from Americans ' death certificates , the database catalogs deaths based on age , race , gender , year and cause of death , among other metrics .


  12. A 2002 study by Dr Niall Johnson and Dr Juergen Mueller suggested that previous numbers may have been underestimated due to common issues such as missing records , misdiagnosis or death certificates compiled by non-medical personnel .


  13. Results Estimated numbers of both male and female cancer incidence in Yuexiu district were 610 and 520 respectively . The estimated miss reporting rates on both male and female cancer incidence from hospital records and death certificates were 8.5 % and 5.4 % respectively .


  14. In January , the civil registry created a call center for people to renew their national IDs and then get birth , death and marriage certificates delivered to their homes , a service they can also find online .


  15. Ith the method of multiple cause of death analysis , we evaluated the 16798 death certificates in Ningbo urban district , 1987-1992.It showed that the records of all medical condition were increasing with age and there were more records in the diseases of respiratory , digestive and circulatory system .


  16. Causes of death were tracked during the study period by reviewing death certificates ;


  17. Causes of death were tracked during the study period by reviewing death certificates ; 277 deaths were the result of suicide .


  18. Official death registration data , on the other hand , are obtained from death certificates completed by physicians and are published in the China health statistics yearbook .


  19. You can fill in information to apply for search of birth , death or marriage records , or certified true copies of birth , death or marriage certificates .
